
There are many treatment options available for lung cancer patients. Targeted therapy has become a more desired option due to its ability to provide precision medicine or personalized treatments for the type of biomarker that a patient might have.

Here are questions that you can ask your care team about your treatment options :

Is there anything I can do to help manage side effects?

How do you assess treatment response during my treatment? How do you know if my treatment is working?

What symptoms or side effects should I tell you about right away?

Do I need to change what I eat during treatment?

Are there any limits on what I can do as far as work or exercise?

Am I safe to be around others or in public spaces?

Can you suggest a mental health professional I can see if I start to feel overwhelmed, depressed or distressed?

Questions to ask your doctor during treatment Questions to ask your doctor when deciding on a treatment plan

Biomarker Driven

Targeted Therapy

Targeted therapy interrupts the growth and function of cancer cells by zeroing in on certain abnormalities in lung cancers cells. This affects cancer cells only and it helps to reduce damage to healthy cells.

Questions to ask about targeted therapy



In surgery, a surgeon may remove the tumor, some surrounding lung tissue and nearby lymph nodes. This is an effective treatment option in the early stages when the cancer is unlikely to have spread.

Side effects: May include reactions to anesthesia, excess bleeding, blood clots in the legs or lungs, wound infections, pneumonia, pain at incision points, reduced movements, and shortness of breath with certain levels of activity

Questions to ask your surgeon


Radiation Therapy

Radiation therapy uses powerful, high-energy X-rays to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing. This targets cancer cells and can either be given from outside or from inside by placing radioactive material inside the tumor.

Side effects: May include fatigue, nausea and vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss, skin changes in the area being treated, which can range from mild redness to blistering and peeling, hair loss where the radiation enters the body, damage to lungs causing cough and shortness of breath, sore throat and trouble swallowing, and radiation pneumonitis

Questions to ask your doctor about radiation therapy



Chemotherapy uses medicine to treat cancer. It can be used to shrink or stabilize a tumor, kill leftover cancer cells after surgery or relieve symptoms of lung cancer. It is often used for Stage 4 patients with metastasized disease, and at other stages for tumors that cannot be surgically removed. It can be administered by infusion: injection, or taken orally in pill form.

Side effects: May include hair loss, mouth sores, loss of appetite or weight changes, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea or constipation and reduced blood formation in bone marrow

Questions to ask your doctor about chemotherapy



Researchers are investigating ways to harness the body’s natural defenses to fight cancer — an approach known as immunotherapy. This uses medicine to activate the body’s natural defenses so they recognize and kill cancer cells. It is most commonly given for Stage 4 cancers and is usually administered intravenously for lung cancer.

Side effects: May include fatigue, cough, nausea, itching, skin rash, loss of appetite, constipation, joint pain and diarrhea.

Questions to ask your doctor about immunotherapy


Why You Need to Get A Comprehensive Biomarker Test Due to major advancements in precision medicine in the field of lung cancer, patients are now living for several years because of biomarker based targeted treatments and immunotherapy.
The Benefits of Knowing Your Biomarker Access better, more tolerable, targeted therapies or immunotherapies Know which treatments your body will respond best to Understand which options you should avoid
Do You Already Know Your Biomarker?
Take this quick survey to get your own custom treatment guide to see all the current Food and Drug Administration-approved drug options based on your biomarker.

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